Trained in the  theatre-based Performing Arts Technology (Cum Laude) and extensive experience within South Africa’s international film scene. Bandile is visionary artist: creative director, founding Kreative Konstant in 2017- an entity centring indigenous voices and methods in craft innovation. 

Bandile is a ‘world builder,’ and her preoccupation with anthropology allows her to work with precision in ‘creating history, culture, legacy, tradition and spirit’ with each character she breathes life into concerning her costume practise; most recently expressed in ‘King Shaka’ for CBS.

She merges her experience in make-up artistry, art direction, culinary curation ( Durban’s: The Chairman) to reveal a multi-faceted body of work fundamentally concerned with sustainable practises and the restoration of dignity through art, activism and education.

‘Bandile is a wildly cerebral artist as well as a problem-solver, [and] intuitively knows how to work with a wide range of personalities.’ She is a star communicator who is ever able to mobilise her teams to achieve a common goal- on time.

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